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  Running Expert Help:

    The filename for the Expert Help Search Engine is EH.EXE. This
    program allows you to access your Hypertext Databases. The Search
    Engine can be started in one of three ways:

    1. In Expanded Memory Resident Mode:
    In EMS "expanded memory-resident mode" (terminate and stay resident, TSR,
    Pop-up), The Search Engine is loaded at startup time into expanded
    memory and requires only 1k of main memory. At load time, Expert Help
    will automatically determine if you have expanded memory available, if
    so, it will allocate the required number of EMS pages and load itself
    into expanded memory. Expert Help is compatible with EMS version 3.20
    and up. Once load you can pop-up the display window by pressing the
    Hot Key: (LEFT-SHIFT-F1).

    To load the Expert Help Search Engine in EMS "expanded memory",
    type EH followed by pressing the ENTER Key. The program is
    now memory resident, and remains memory resident unless you uninstall it
    with the ALT-U key combination or type EH -U at the DOS prompt.

    2. In Conventional Memory Resident Mode:
    In conventional memory-resident mode (terminate and stay resident, TSR,
    Pop-up), The Search Engine is loaded at startup time, before any
    applications are run. It is then available at any time by pressing the

    To load the Search Engine in conventional memory resident mode,
    type EH -C followed by pressing the ENTER Key. The program is
    now memory resident, and remains memory resident unless you uninstall it
    with the ALT-U key combination or type EH -U at the DOS prompt.

    3. In Stand-alone Mode (As a normal executable program):
    This mode loads the Search Engine from the DOS prompt as a stand-alone
    program. When you press <F10> or <ESC> it exits you out of the
    Text Display Window and unloads the Engine from memory.

    Type EH -N to load the Search Engine as a standalone program.

    Loading Expert Help HIGH using Quarterdeck's LOADHI program.
    Expert Help can be run HIGH (in extended memory) only if there is a
    64k area available. To use LOADHI, use the following command line:

             LOADHI EH -C

    This command line can be used at the DOS prompt or in the autoexec.bat

    Expert Help can also be loaded HI using HIMEM.SYS and a number of other
    products that can load programs into high memory. For details, refer to
    the manual of the product that you intend to use.

    Once loaded, the following will be displayed on your monitor:

                Expert Help
             Copyright (C) 1990
               Default HotKey

    From this point on, you can "pop-up" the Text Display Window by pressing
    the LEFT-SHIFT-F1 key combination.

    There are currently seven command line parameters that can be used
    when loading the Engine.

    -C          Forces Expert Help to run in conventional memory.

    -N          Loads the Engine in non-memory-resident mode.

    -Ffilename  Lets you specify a database to load at start-up.
                (This lets you override the default file.)

    -U          Un-Loads the Engine from memory-resident mode.
                You can also use ALT-U while the text display window is

    -H          Displays a help screen of command line parameters.

    -I          Enables Intense Background Colors (Disables Blinking).

    -Mnn        Sets the sensitivity (to motion) of the mouse.
                Range 1-99. Default: nn = 12 (smaller number increases sens.)

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Expert Help Engine Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. !File: Long Entries Related Topics: !Short: The Menu Link Control File. !Name: The Database Composer !Menu:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson